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Thinking of joining, but you want to meet us first? Just come to a meeting and see if we are the club for you. Just click on the Event Calendar on the Home Page, for a listing of all our club meetings and events.  Want to know how to join?  Questions about membership? Contact our Membership Director at You’ll find the membership application here: GPMC Membership Application or join and pay securely through this website: Join Now

Whether you chose to join via mail in application, or on this website, members will periodically receive a membership directory.  Upon joining, you will be sent a temporary User Name and Password for your own personal member portal, where you can enter personal information, vehicle information and much more.  As a member you will also receive our monthly newsletter with interesting articles furnished by members, a listing of planned cruises and events, and a classified section.

There are a variety of member benefits including discounts offered by Richard Bazzy’s Shults Ford locations in Harmarville, Wexford, and West Mifflin, as well as several supporting performance shops and equipment suppliers.  When you also join the Mustang Club of America, there are even more discounts available, including discounts on specialty vehicle insurance, the Mustang Times Magazine, and much, much more:

General Membership Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 PM at various locations.  They are held indoors at local restaurants from October through April, and at various outdoor locations during the warmer months.  The Board of Directors meeting starts at 7:00 PM, immediately preceding the General Membership meeting. Check the Calendar of Events for the latest information.

We hope that you will consider joining our club. Mustang ownership is not necessary to become a member, only an interest in Mustangs of any vintage. Mustang Club of America (MCA) membership is also encouraged, and our application form contains information about how to become an MCA member, or you can join through their website: Mustang Club Of America Membership